When I first met The Husband, he thought that pizza was meant to be thick and squishy. After much coaxing he agreed to try thin crust pizza and he saw it was good. Then he tried my homemade thin crust pizza and he saw that was even better. The secret to homemade pizza: a pizza stone. It's a 10 dollar investment which will last for ages (unless you get it wet and stick it in the oven. Then it will go CRACK), and which will give you super crispy crusts.
-Fresh mozzarella (the soft wobbly stuff)
-Goat cheese
-Roasted garlic, smeared on
-Green onions
-Baby clams
-Red chili flakes
I usually make a pizza with a ton of veggies and then toss ham on but I felt like making something different this time. Both of our pizzas went in a 500 degree oven for roughly 12 minutes. Here are the finished results:
The cheese actually started dripping off my pizza and onto the oven floor. Which means I will have to clean it very, very soon (drats!). Here are some more pics:
My pizza was pretty good. The only thing was that I was still hungry after eating it since I'm used to pizza with more toppings; I'm one those people who needs lots of protein to be full. The pizza was so good with the gooey mozzarella and the tangy goat cheese. I'm going to vary the toppings next time but I'll definitively put goat cheese on pizza again.